At Lighthouse Fellowship, we do everything with a Christ-centered focus. We sing, pray, and study God’s Word. We love one another as Christ first loved us and we seek to share that love with a broken world.
1. We believe the 66 books of the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe in the full verbal inspiration of the original manuscripts and its all-sufficiency and final authority as the Christian’s rule of faith and practice.
2. We believe God is the one and only true God, eternal, perfect and infinite in His being, holiness, love, wisdom, mercy, righteousness and power; transcendent above the world as its Creator, yet immanent in the world as the Preserver of all things. God is self-existent and self-revealing in three divine Persons–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit–who are distinct in function, but equal in power and glory.
3. We believe in the full deity of Christ. Before His incarnation, He was eternally with God the Father and was God. In regard to His humanity, He was miraculously conceived of the Holy Spirit without a human father. He lived a perfect life on earth and revealed the invisible God perfectly. He gave Himself in death upon the cross as a substitutionary and propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the world, by which He paid the price of redemption, thus satisfying both the holiness and the love of God. He was raised from the dead, glorified in the body in which He had suffered and died, ascended into heaven, is at the right hand of the Father, and makes intercession for us. The glorious future of the kingdom will be marked by the personal return of Jesus Christ.
4. We believe in the full deity of the Holy Spirit. He is present and active in the world, ministering conviction of sin to sinners and regeneration to penitents. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to believers, in whom He resides. He ministers comfort, assurance, guidance, and victory. He is the agent of sanctification in the believer’s life, producing progressive growth in Spirit-fruit. He empowers believers and works through them in the distribution, manifestation, and ministry of spiritual gifts.
5. We believe that salvation is a free gift of God’s grace based on the work of Jesus Christ (the shedding of His blood on the cross, His resurrection and present intercessory ministry) and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Those who receive God’s gift of salvation by faith become children of God, justified in their relationship to God, sanctified in their walk and work, and secure in an ongoing faith expressed and fostered by obedience to Christ.
6. We believe that at the end of the age the living saints will be transformed; the dead will be resurrected, the just to eternal glory and bliss in heaven and the unjust to everlasting punishment and torment in hell. Satan, death, and hell will be cast into the lake of fire and the glorious reign of the Kingdom of God will be eternally fulfilled.
7. We believe the church is the universal body of redeemed believers committed to Jesus Christ as Lord, and finds expression in the local church in worship, fellowship, holiness, discipline, teaching and preaching the Word, prayer, spiritual gifts, and the New Testament ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
We embrace the Conservative Mennonite Statements of Theology and Practice as a part of the Rosedale Network of Churches.
Statement of Theology (en español)
Statement of Practice (en español)
Our vision is to share the love of Jesus with those we meet and to aid them in knowing God and growing closer to Him and His church. Our vision is exemplified through evangelism, discipleship, spending time with God in worship, prayer, Bible study, and fellowshipping with other believers to encourage each other, share each other's burdens, and hold each other accountable.
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